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Before and After School Clubs

Breakfast Club

School provides it's own breakfast club service which runs from 7.45am until the start of school.  It is based in our Discovery Den and staffed by school staff. 

Breakfast is provided along with activities for the children.  Places need to be booked and paid for in advance via the school office.  You can find a copy of the application form below, alternatively, pop into the school office and speak to a member of the office staff.


After School Clubs

There are a number of after school clubs available which are run by teachers, our P.E. coach and external agencies.  We try to cater for all interests such as music, arts, craft, ICT and sport.  The courses run by P.E coaches and some external agencies incur a small charge. 

After school clubs run on a half-termly basis.  Look out for the letter that is sent to parents towards the end of each half-term that contains information about the next half-term's after school clubs and how to sign up for them.

You will find the latest letters below, regarding current club dates and times.